Plastic Solutions for Agribusiness


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Cotton Storage

AgroVelper’s Cotton Velper is changing the game in cotton storage. Imagine a film that not only protects your cotton, but keeps it in optimal conditions for longer, even in challenging environments. That’s exactly what CottonVelper offers. Combining cutting-edge technology, this film is designed to be robust and easy to use. No matter the size of your operation, CottonVelper is the solution that will simplify your storage processes and ensure the quality of your cotton, from harvest to distribution.”


Specially designed to ensure safe and intelligent storage of cotton directly in the field, CottonVelper operates continuously and efficiently during harvest, without interruptions.


Non Stop Operation

No interruptions during harvest, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity.

Speed and Agility

Facilitates the harvest process, providing faster and more agile operation.

Safety Against Climate Adversities

It protects cotton from external elements and climatic adversities, preserving its quality and integrity.

Easy Handling

Developed with high technology, the Cotton Velper offers ease of handling, making the process more practical and efficient.


Made from 100% recyclable materials, Cotton Velper contributes to reducing environmental impact.

Protection against UV rays

It ensures that the cotton retains its color and quality, preventing the material's fading and degradation caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Benefits Cotton Velper

Comprehensive Protection:

It offers protection against dust, dirt, moisture and damage during the storage, transportation and handling of cotton.


Preserves the quality of cotton, avoiding contamination and ensuring its integrity.

Cost reduction:

It helps in reducing costs and labor during the harvest and storage process.

Easy Handling:

It exempts large handling operations thanks to its advanced technology.

Differences when using CottonVelper

Meet us at the 14th Cotton Congress

We look forward to presenting Cotton Velper at the most important event in the cotton segment in Brazil. Visit our stand at the 14th Cotton Congress, which will take place from 3 to 5 September 2024, in Fortaleza, Ceará.

Who We Are

AgroVelper is a 100% Brazilian brand and leader in the manufacture of plastic solutions for agribusiness. With a tradition of 30 years in the market, our manufacturing processes follow the strictest quality standards, ensuring products of excellence in raw material and technology.


With Cotton Velper, we are committed to delivering innovative solutions that drive productivity and sustainability in the field. Experience the future of cotton storage with the Cotton Velper from Agrovelper.


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