Plastic Solutions for Agribusiness


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Slab Bag for Growing

Double-sided, coextruded, black and white SLAB cultivation bag, ideal for growing sensitive crops. Helps in the control of temperature, water utilization and nutrients.


Slab plastic bag, made from co-extrusion, multi-layer, Slab has been developed as a more effective form of production within a greenhouse, making better use of the indoor space, thereby increasing the productivity in the same area, or for regions where the land is not in good condition. Usually the bag is filled with substrate according to each crop. Plastic with high strength and completely opaque, has additives to have strength and have a greater durability in the field.

Protected Crop

Highly durable and economical product that raises productivity and protection in crops sensitive to sun and climatic factors.


Increased productivity

The slab has been developed in a more efficient form of production, which increases productivity.


Economical, productive and safe solution for plantation.

High resistance

Material prepared to have high resistance and durability, guaranteeing the safety of the stored material.

Easy handling

The Slab plastic bag is easy to handle.

Greater use of fertigation

Produced to make the most of fertigation.

Weed control

Contributes to weed control.


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