Plastic Solutions for Agribusiness


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Light Tunnel Film

There are crops that need strict control of brightness. Maintaining the climate in ideal conditions is the key to obtaining a higher quality crop. In these situations, the milk film for tunnel enters the scene, which controls the light entry in the best possible way.


The milk film for tunnels ensures a higher quality crop, protecting crops and reducing the need for spraying. The best part is that the opening of this mechanism can be controlled according to the need of the site, so this product, in addition to durable, is quite flexible.

Composition of milk film

The milk film is made of transparent low-density polyethylene plastic. With high quality and durability, this product is well resistant to impacts and cracks.


An important care with this film concerns agricultural defenses. In cases of application intense, it is recommended to be careful, as the material can be corroded and break down over time due to interaction with these products.



Material produced with additives that protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Antioxidants and additives

Made with antioxidants and topping additives.

Fight radiation

Combats excess light radiation.


Various types of thickness.

Climate control

Offers control of the microclimate inside the greenhouses.


Provides greater productivity in adverse climates.


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