With the high grain productivity in the country, correctly storing so much product has become a challenge. Crowded warehouses and high-cost logistics help to further increase rural producers’ headaches in the harvesting process.
Faced with the problem of storage deficit that the country faces, the silo bag has been a great ally for producers in the field. “It’s impossible to think about producing without relying on plastic storage nowadays”, said a soybean producer from the western region of Bahia. By storing in a bag system, operation flexibility increases and increases planting productivity.
To discuss the topic further, we invited Nathalia Verdelli, application engineer at Braskem; Emerson Borghi, researcher at Embrapa; and Thiago Teixeira, CEO of AgroVelper.
Check out the full chat in the video below:
To help solve the storage problem that Brazil faces every year, AgroVelper has in its catalog the Velper Silo, a highly resistant, practical and safe bag for storing grains in the field.